Amputee Coalition Fact Sheet

Connecting Online for People With Limb Loss

Web Development Fact Sheet

Last updated 03/2012 –
Support from a local amputee group is not always available. The following are online communication resources for amputees, caregivers, friends and family members of amputees who would like to communicate with others via Internet forums or e-mail lists.

Amputee Coalition Fact Sheet

Steps to Effective Advocacy

Web Development Fact Sheet

Last updated 01/2008 –
Advocacy- (ad’vo’kas’e) n. Recommendation.—-1. Support and defense of a cause. 2. The act of pleading on behalf of another.
Educating consumers about how to advocate is a fundamental principle of the Amputee Coalition of America. Oftentimes, the policies of insurance companies and government agencies wind up accidentally excluding those who require the most help. That is where the Amputee Coalition comes into the picture. We bridge the gap, empowering amputees through education, support, and referral services. By getting the word out about viable options, the Amputee Coalition refers amputees and their concerned friends to the right organizations to get the assistance they need and deserve. In the event that the first attempt towards accomplishing goals or getting needs fulfilled fails, amputees must understand that there are other options. These are the steps we recommend to effective advocacy, whether acting on your own behalf or in the interest of a friend.

Amputee Coalition Fact Sheet

Points to Know and Consider When Preparing for and Undergoing an Amputation

Web Development Fact Sheet

Last updated 01/2008 –
The patient and, if possible, a family member should have a discussion with each member of the surgical/rehabilitation team. This team should include the surgeon, anesthesiologist, physical/occupational therapist (PT/OT), prosthetist, and an insurance specialist. The patient should be given information (available through Amputee Coalition) on how to choose a prosthetist well before surgery or, failing that, immediately afterward. The patient should check the prosthetist’s education, prosthetic training, qualifications and credentials, and experience, as well as the location and accessibility of the prosthetist’s office. The patient should also request that the surgeon and prosthetist discuss together how to structure the amputation to maximize prosthetic success (e.g., best residuum length, and surgical technique, as well as what postoperative edema-reducing techniques should be used). Following are some important topics that should be discussed:

Higher Challenges – The Hip Disarticulation and Transpelvic Amputation Levels, Part 1

Web Development inMotion

Volume 15 · Issue 1 · January/February 2005 –
by Douglas G. Smith, MD –
In discussing amputations of the lower limb, we’ve noted that each level has its own specific characteristics and challenges. The higher we move up the leg, the more joints are affected. A transtibial amputation involves the loss of the foot and one major joint, the ankle, while the transfemoral amputation involves the loss of two major joints, the knee and the ankle. Because transfemoral amputees are learning to cope with the loss of two major weight-bearing joints while transtibial amputees are learning to cope with the loss of only one, transfemoral amputees face more challenges learning to use a prosthesis and learning to walk again.

Advocacy Volunteers - Learn ways you can get involved as an advocacy volunteer.- Photo of volunteers in front of the U.S Capital Building

Advocacy Volunteers

Becoming an Advocacy Volunteer The Amputee Coalition is the only national non-profit representing the limb loss and limb difference community ...
Federal Advocacy: Learn about federal advocacy initiativesthat affect the limb loss and limb difference community. Photo United States Supreme Court

Federal Advocacy

Federal advocacy refers to the organized efforts and actions undertaken by individuals, groups, or organizations to influence and shape government ...
AC Connect

AC Connect

Amputee Coalition is excited to announce AC Connect, its new online community, is now available for community members! AC Connect ...