Advocacy Resources Tools and information that support the limb loss and limb difference community in advocating for a cause. Photo of person with limb difference using a laptop

Advocacy Resources

Advocacy resources encompass a wide range of tools and information that support the limb loss and limb difference community in ...
Amputee Coalition Fact Sheet

How to Locate Resources in Your Area

Web Development Fact Sheet

Created 3/2022 –
The National Limb Loss Resource Center® (NLLRC) is dedicated to helping those living with limb loss or limb difference, their families, and caregivers connect with resources at the national, state, and local levels.

Higher Challenges – The Hip Disarticulation and Transpelvic Amputation Levels, Part 3

Web Development inMotion

Volume 15 · Issue 1 · May/June 2005 –
by Douglas G. Smith, MD –
In discussing amputations of the lower limb, we’ve noted that each level has its own specific characteristics and challenges. The higher we move up the leg, the more joints are affected. A transtibial amputation involves the loss of the foot and one major joint, the ankle, while the transfemoral amputation involves the loss of two major joints, the knee and the ankle. Because transfemoral amputees are learning to cope with the loss of two major weight-bearing joints while transtibial amputees are learning to cope with the loss of only one, transfemoral amputees face more challenges learning to use a prosthesis and learning to walk again.

Year-End Giving 2023 - A collage of 4 people living with limb loss or limb difference.

Year-End Giving

Year-End Giving 2023 There are more than 4 million people in the U.S. living with limb loss and limb difference. ...
Giving Tuesday - Elevate to Empower Our Community

Giving Tuesday

Support the Amputee Coalition on Giving Tuesday In the thriving year of 2023, our commitment to the community has propelled ...