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The Amputee Coalition has developed reliable resources to help answer your questions about living with limb loss and limb difference. Browse our entire collection of resources which includes Fact Sheets, videos and webinars, publications and articles covering a wide range of topics.

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Financial Assistance for Prosthetic Services, Durable Medical Equipment, and Other Assistive Devices

Updated 12/2024 – También disponible en español Introduction Some of the questions most frequently asked by amputees relate to the payment and coverage for the costs of prosthetic fitting and ...continue.

Avoiding Secondary Pain

Updated 10/2024 – También disponible en español Introduction Key to preventing secondary pain after limb loss is preventing complications. This means taking meticulous care of your residual limb, your prosthesis ...continue.

Introduction to Managing Pain

Updated 10/2024 – También disponible en español Introduction Pain is a sensation that hurts. It is subjective, meaning that if you are having pain, you are the only one who ...continue.

Living with Phantom Limb Pain

Updated 10/2024 – También disponible en español Introduction Phantom limb pain (PLP) refers to ongoing painful sensations that seem to be coming from the part of the limb that is ...continue.

Service Animals

Updated 10/2024 Introduction Service animals are defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) as “any dog that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit ...continue.

Peri-Operative Pain Management

Updated 10/2024 – También disponible en español Introduction The term “perioperative” refers to the period of time that starts when you go to the hospital for surgery and ends when ...continue.

Living with Residual Limb Pain

Updated 10/2024 – También disponible en español Introduction What is residual limb pain (RLP)? This is the pain that originates in the remaining part of your limb. It can be ...continue.

Limb Loss Statistics

Updated 9/2024 Prevalence & Incidence We estimate there to be over 5.6 million people currently living with limb loss or limb difference in the United States. Of that, nearly 2.3 ...continue.

Prosthetic Limb Donations

Updated 09/2024 – También disponible en español Introduction Prosthetic components are generally not reused in the United States because of legal considerations. However, if in good condition they can often ...continue.

What is The Amputee Coalition and What Can We Do for You?

Updated 06/2024  About Us The Amputee Coalition is the nation’s leading nonprofit organization dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for people with limb loss and limb difference and their ...continue.

Global Resources for People with Limb Loss & Limb Difference

Updated 12/2023 Introduction It is our mission at the Amputee Coalition to support, educate, and advocate for people impacted by limb loss and limb difference. We offer Information and Referral ...continue.

Emotional Recovery

Updated 10/2023 Introduction Losing a limb is a life-changing experience. This process can affect nearly every aspect of an individual’s life ranging from work and play to friends and family. ...continue.

Before Your Amputation: Questions to Ask Your Surgeon

Updated 10/2023 Talking with your surgeon prior to amputation is important. You should meet your surgeon, feel confident in his or her abilities, and have all of your concerns addressed ...continue.

Introduction to Vocational Rehabilitation

This fact sheet provides an overview of Vocational Rehabilitation and the services/resources it provides. CareerOneStop says Vocational Rehabilitation is a U.S. Department of Education-funded program that provides services in every ...continue.

Congressional Caseworkers: How They Can Help

Created 3/2022 - A major responsibility for members of Congress is to provide service to their constituents back in their state or congressional district. ...continue.