inMotion Magazine

Being Powerful 39 Treating blisters and skin breakdown • A surface blister should be left intact if possible. If it opens, keep it clean and covered with a thin layer of antibiotic ointment, such as Neosporin, Bacitracin or Polysporin. • A line of itchy blisters sometimes appears around the edge or inside of silicone liners, especially in hot weather. A little mineral or baby oil around and under the edge of the liner helps to prevent this. • Blisters that occur with above-knee sockets can sometimes be covered with thin, transparent dressings such as LiquiShield. Dry skin • Do not use alcohol or unknown chemicals/creams on your limb; they dry out the skin. • Use softening cream only if the skin is at risk of cracking, and only temporarily unless cleared by your doctor. Preventing rashes • Do not use talcum powder on your limb, as it can ball up and create an abrasion; cornstarch is better. • If you must use a powder, do so at night, dusting lightly to avoid affecting socket suction, and make sure the limb is free of powder before you don your prosthesis. Ammens is preferred by some because it does not contain talc. Alternatively, you could apply a light film of diaper rash cream, such as Balmex, at night under the liner. Treating rashes • An antihistamine lotion, such as Benadryl, will usually take care of the rash if it is an allergic reaction. If you do not catch the rash quickly enough, you may have to resort to an over-the-counter cortisone cream. • Use a commercially available athlete’s foot treatment such as Tinactin. Broken skin • If the skin of your limb opens, go straight to your doctor and prosthetist. • If the breakdown is infected, you will need to see your physician as well. Stop using the prosthesis; use crutches and a wheelchair for backup. Caring for the skin of your residual limb is one of your most important responsibilities, one that must not be neglected. Does all this sound like a lot to do? You’re right, it is, but neglect will almost certainly lead to additional conditions that require even more attention. Prevention is much preferable to cure. Adaptlabs ALPS Skin Care Products Ammens Medicated Powder Original‑medicated‑ powder-original.html Drysol HealthyLimb Liquishield‑skin‑protectant Stump Care Superskin Related Resources