The Mission of the Amputee Program at Encompass Health Rehabilitation Hospital of Reading is to promote optimal physiologic and psychosocial adjustment for patients following amputation. The Amputee Program provides eligible patients with the opportunity to explore necessary services, enabling them to achieve maximum independence and function within their home and community upon discharge.
Our philosophy is to teach disease management, improve physical capacity, and promote independence. Independence refers to the commonly held idea of self-performance of activities of daily living and all components of physical mobility.
Encompass Health is dedicated to providing individuals with state of the art care by a highly skilled interdisciplinary medical, nursing, therapy and case management team following amputation. This team of specialists coordinates care to meet individual needs and achieve common goals. Additionally, the patient, family, and caregiver(s) are considered an essential part of the rehabilitation team, and the program recognizes the unique and complex physical, psychological, and spiritual components of the family unit.
The Amputee Program at Encompass Health Rehabilitation Hospital of Reading includes amputee-specific medical and therapeutic interventions and educational opportunities with the goal of developing lifestyle change for the amputee survivor, maximizing physical and psychological health and preventing future amputations. Through consultation with our various healthcare professionals and coordination of available community resources, each patient will return to the least restrictive environment with an improved understanding of life following amputation.