State Outlook
California has enacted Insurance Fairness for Amputees legislation. We are actively trying to amend the California law to include all insurance plans, and not only those who choose to provide coverage for prosthetic care.
Insurance Fairness History
The California State Legislature passed Insurance Fairness for Amputee legislation in 2006. Assembly Bill 2012 passed the Assembly unanimously, but did receive opposition in the Senate. It was signed into law by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger (R) on September 29th, 2006.
California was among the first states to pass the Insurance Fairness for Amputees Act, formerly known as the Prosthetic Parity Act. As part of the legislative process, the California State Legislature commissioned the California Insurance Fairness Study to study the impact the changes could have and found that the provision would have minimal cost (about $0.16 per member per month) while ensuring individuals have access to care.
Legislative Information
The California State Legislature works on a two year cycle and in 2019 will be in the first year of their cycle. The 2019 Legislative Session convenes December 3rd, 2018 and will tentatively conclude December 31st, 2019. The California Legislature will hold an organizational session beginning December 3rd, 2018. Legislators are able to prefile legislation, but prefiling and introduction deadlines have not been determined for the 2019 Legislative Session.
Currently, the Democratic Party controls both chambers of the State Legislature and the Office of the Governor.
Get Involved
The Amputee Coalition needs support from the limb loss/difference community. If you are interested in aiding our efforts: