Even though the Amputee Coalition is a national organization, we understand the importance and the impact that state laws can have on the limb loss and limb difference community. Through our local networks of advocacy volunteers and partner organizations, the Amputee Coalition is working on two state-level priorities: prosthetic and orthotic coverage for physical activity and insurance fairness.
Amputee Coalition State Advocacy Initiatives
“So Every BODY Can Move” Initiative
Movement is medicine and physical activity is a right, not a privilege. But today, thousands of individuals living with limb loss or limb difference are unable to afford and access orthotic and prosthetic care that helps them be physically active due to inadequate insurance coverage.
So Every BODY Can Move is mobilizing grassroots advocates to champion state-based legislative change, ultimately inspiring a national movement.
To stay informed on exciting updates and to become part of the movement for change, visit soeverybodycanmove.org.
The So Every BODY Can Move initiative is a national partnership between the Amputee Coalition, the American Orthotics and Prosthetics Association, the National Association for the Advancement of Orthotics and Prosthetics, and the American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists.
Insurance Fairness
Arms and legs are not a luxury and people who have limb difference or limb loss must have appropriate access to prosthetic care through their employer-based and private insurance companies. While some private insurance companies have adequate coverage, there has been an alarming trend in restricting or eliminating coverage thereby making appropriate prosthetic care inaccessible to many people.
Decisions about prosthetic care are too often not determined by what’s best for each person in consultation with their medical team and are instead determined by insurance bureaucrats. Insurance Fairness legislation works to ensure that people have appropriate access to prosthetic care by addressing insurance coverage limitations and restrictions.